March 2014
International Seminar "e-Learning micro-innovation matters!" will take place from 25th of 26th of March 2014 in Brussels.
The idea of the event is to work for one day with a small number of e-learning experts and innovators scouted by the VISIR project on barriers and incentives for uptake and mainstreaming of grassroots innovation, and to present the results of the discussion on the following morning on the 26th of March to a larger group, including key decision makers such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Committee of Regions, European networks, etc.
Apps for Good from the ELIG Network will represent at the Seminar a great success case of grassroots innovation. Elmar Husmann will facilitate to panel sessions on "What should change in the way we support innovation in ICT-©-enhanced education?" together with Markku Markkula, Committee of the Regions and representatives from the European Commission.
More informations can be found at: