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The ELIG Annual Conference 2015 is an invitation-only event.

Your registration means a personal committment to join given the limited seats we have available.

For further information (including hotel information) or any request please
> contact.

Registration AGM Form

Registration AGM Fields
Is your organisation an ELIG member?*
I will attend on*
I would like to participate in (day 1, 18:30 o'clock):
I would like to participate in one of the workshops (day 2, 09:20 o'clock):
At ELIG AC15 image and sound recordings of all aspects of the event will be made. Please be aware of the fact that these recordings may be published on the ELIG website or print format.*
By submitting this form, I confirm that I have read the information regarding image and sound recording and agree.*

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.