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ELIG Foundation - Tätigkeitsbericht 2016-2019 (deutsch)

ELIG Foundation - Activity Report 2016-2019 (english)

Conference Booklet

ELIG Workshops & Conference in Aarhus/DK 2017

Conference Hack Book

How to Hack the Educational Future, Aarhus/DK 2017

Conference Booklet

ELIG Annual Meeting in Paris 2016

ELIG Book Series
Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning

Volume 2 – Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education, 2016

Activity Book Indonesia

Classroom of the Future
Frankfurt Book Fair 2015

ELIG Annual Report 2013-2014

Elmar Husmann, Concept & Words
Astrid Groborsch, Design

ELIG Position Paper on "Opening up Education"

Roland A. Burger, Elmar Husmann, Florence Rizzo (Editors)

Openness and Education
Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning, Volume 1

Andreas Meiszner (Editor)
Lin Squires (Editor)

ELIG Annual Report 2011-2012

We are pleased to present the ELIG Annual report 2011/2012 covering the period between the AGM 2011 in Helsinki and this year’s AGM 2012 in Dublin.

ELIG Annual Report 2010-2011

We are pleased to present the ELIG Annual report 2010/2011.the report covers the period between the AGM 2010 and the AGM 2011.

Open Education - EFMD Article

ELIG (European Learning has surveyed over 80 different organisations from the learning industry and higher education to understand the commercial hesitation for the adoption of Open Education. ELIG was left with the view that to not proactively engage with open education, its production, use and practices could present a serious threat to the sustainability of many players in the current learning market. Read this article for the full story.

Open Education - White Paper 2011

Open Education: a wake up-call for the learning industry? Is open education fundamental to a sustainable learning industry or a noble but commercially flawed cause?

Market Study 2011

Produced by the ELIG Secretariat

A snapshot of the Learning Industry in Europe in 2011
A complex interplay between a countries economic structure, government policies and funding, language and skills base and ‘pull’ from key industries together can create the right environment for a pan-European learning market uplift

ELIG Book Series - release in autumn 2013.

ELIG is preparing a series of publications on Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning. This first publication in the series to be called Openness and Education will be edited by ELIG in collaboration with the United Nations University UNU- MERIT and will focus on Open Education.